Annex 11: content of the manual created for the Internet of Things lab class
(See manual here)
Install the Arduino IDE 3
Test the IDE 4
Example of using the IDE with an
Arduino UNO board 5
Examples of tests 7
Using an Arduino Simulator 8
Use the IDE, the Arduino UNO's
internal temperature sensor, and Processing to view 9
Monitor Series 9
Plotter Series 9
Visualization with Processing 10
Using the DHT11 Temperature and
Humidity Sensor 11
Use the Arduino MKR Wifi 1010
board, with the IDE 12
Use the IDE, DHT11 Temperature and
Humidity Sensor, Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, and Processing to view 14
Visualization with Processing 15
Arduino IoT Cloud 16
Using the online editor and
Arduino UNO 19
Using IoT Cloud and Arduino MKR
Wifi 1010 20
Install Matlab 29
Add packages to work in Matlab
with Arduino 30
Use of Matlab to store and
visualize, in real time, the humidity and temperature data sent from the DHT11
sensor to the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 and from there to Matlab. 31
Readings Obtained 33
Use of Matlab/Simulink, Arduino
MKR WiFi 1010 board and DHT11 sensor 34
Appendix A 40